Many students of the Yacht Broker Master Class ask me how they can find new clients
Nov 29, 2023
Many students of the Yacht Broker Master Class ask me how they can find new clients.
Robert is a great example of this, he has just started working for a small brokerage firm and hoped that the company would rain down inquiries upon him.
The reality is that this never happens…at least not in any brokerage company that I know of!
To find clients you have to be proactive, and I know of no better way of going out there and finding clients than by, well, getting out there and FINDING them!
I’m talking of course about dockwalking. This age-old, pre-internet, tried and tested proven technique allows you to quite literally make face-to-face connections with one of the most important groups of people that as a broker you can possibly meet: Yacht Captains.
I remember one occasion when I walked a dock in Northern Italy and spotted a yacht called “Just Married”. The Captain was working on the deck so I said to him “I bet there’s an interesting story behind the name on this yacht!”. He laughed and explained that the yacht was indeed a wedding present to the bride from her father…and actually neither she nor her husband even wanted it particularly.
A conversation ensued that resulted in the yacht being listed for sale, and when I eventually was introduced to the owner…or to be precise the owner’s husband…we stayed in touch for some time and other, bigger opportunities arose.
Had I not gotten up from my behind and left the office, had I decided to stay in my comfort zone and “check my emails” hoping for an inquiry to fall down on me from above, this would have never happened.
You have to be proactive. You have to go out there and find business.
And when you add that energy and drive to the transformative knowledge and tips contained in the Yacht Broker Master Class…magical things can happen!
Join the Yacht Broker Master Class
The Yacht Broker Masterclass will transform you from a smart business person or a passionate "yachtie" into a knowledgable professional who can speak with authority and become a remarkable Yacht Broker.
Instructed by the industry's renowned professional David Seal.